
Dawini CMS is a comprehensive and user-friendly Content Management System tailored for healthcare professionals, specifically designed to streamline clinic management, enhance patient care, and simplify administrative tasks. With a wide range of features, it provides doctors and clinics with a powerful tool to manage their operations efficiently.







Key Features:


Appointment Scheduling:

 Easily schedule patient appointments, helping doctors manage their time effectively.

 Automatic reminders and notifications to reduce no-shows.



Patient Follow-Up:


 Keep track of patient records and medical history for improved patient care.
Schedule follow-up appointments and send reminders to patients.


User-Friendly Dashboard:


 An intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard for healthcare professionals and staff.


Secure Patient Data Handling:


 Robust security measures to ensure patient data privacy and compliance with healthcare regulations.


Customizable Templates:


 Create customized templates for various medical forms and documents.

Billing and Invoicing:


 Simplify the billing process, including generating invoices and managing payments.

Reporting and Analytics:


 Generate insightful reports to monitor clinic performance and patient demographics.

Multi-User Support:


Multi-user roles with varying permissions for doctors, nurses, and administrative staff.



Technology Stack:


. Built using PHP for the backend, ensuring a reliable and scalable system.
. Utilizes a MySQL database for data storage.
. Responsive web design for access on various devices.


. Dawini CMS offers several advantages for healthcare professionals and clinics:Improved patient care and satisfaction.
. Increased operational efficiency.
. Reduced administrative workload.
. Enhanced data security and compliance.
. Simplified billing and financial management.


Future Enhancements:

Our commitment to continuous improvement means that Dawini CMS will be regularly updated with new features and  improvements, making it an even more valuable tool for healthcare professionals.


Contact Information:

            For inquiries and collaboration opportunities, please reach out to us at medani.job@gmail.com .